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Who We Are

Bellwether Farm Camp, Retreat, and Education Center offers a model of sustainable living that promotes physical and spiritual wellness, fidelity to the environment, and social justice.


Nestled into the curves of the Vermillion River, Bellwether Farm is a camp, retreat, and education center dedicated to exposing the wider community to the creation that sustains all of life. As a working farm, its life focuses on four primary activities.

Facilities & Grounds

Bellwether Farm is a unique and affordable option for your next gathering. The center offers brand new facilities featuring a green technology, renewable energy, and water reclamation systems.

Get Involved

Find ways to get involved with Bellwether Farm including volunteer opportunities and ways to give.

The Farm

This land has been farmed for more than 100 years, providing dairy cow and Morgan horse pasture, selective and clear-cut logging, and crops of soy, wheat, and corn. Now it welcomes a new era of farm activity that revolves around organic and regenerative practices, both contemporary and ancient.

Bellwether Farm provides a replicable model of farming and food production, embracing the highest standards of environmental stewardship. A centerpiece program is our teaching kitchen that focuses on locally sourced food, seasonal eating, and healthy nutrition.

The soils of Bellwether Farm produce a range of fruits and vegetables and provide grazing crops to nourish farm animals. With an integrative farm plan, we produce healthy food for our educational and camp programs. By participating in farm life, visitors, campers, and retreatants will experience the physical and spiritual rewards of digging deep and getting dirty.

The Ecosystems

Nestled at the heart of the Vermilion River Watershed, our land is dynamically shaped by water: upland forest and prairie habitats dominate the non-cultivated natural areas of the Eastern acreage, while the West of Bellwether Farm descends to recreational fields, edge habitats, floodplain forests, a pond, wetlands, riparian corridors with vernal pools. The diversity of these places fosters tremendous biodiversity and hosts...

  • Over 250 species of herbaceous plants, with several being rare or threatened in the state of Ohio
  • More than 40 species of shrubs and trees, and 50 acres of mature woodland
  • Many dozens of migratory birds, plus many residents from Turkeys to Chickadees to Bald Eagles
  • Amazing native animals such as treefrogs, coyote, beavers and deer

We see this land as a gift and our presence here as a membership in a beloved ecological community. We strive to care for and steward this land in a way that conserves, protects and bolsters the integrity and biodiversity of it.

Grounded in an ecological spirituality, we at Bellwether Farm seek to care for Earth, welcome guests and make decisions which reflect an on-going awareness of both our responsibility and our joy in living in harmony with all that is. We study, pray, live in community and work within a framework that strives to honor the sacred dimension of creation.

Help plant the fields, fill the barns, beautify & heal the landscape

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